Friday, August 7, 2009

Kool Kats and a K9

The Kleins and their K9 hosted K Night in Kween Anne, and it was perfect. We lingered on the back deck sipping Kir Royales -- thanks to the ever klassy Kuhrt and Jenny -- and enjoyed that rare sort of June evening when summer seems just around the korner and you haven't got a kare in the world.

Actually, Abby and I have a lot of karefree days, and we both chose to dedicate this one to the kreation of K Night koncoctions. (Unemployment has its benefits. Unfortunately, health care isn't one of them.) Abby's kurried kumquat chutney was beautiful, even jewel-like on it's own, but it was absolutely killer in kombination with ham and homemade biscuits.

Why even bother with dinner when you've got a beautiful evening, gourmet finger foods and champagne kocktails?

Because you have kugel in the oven and a kajillion kebabs cooking on the grill.

We had kefta (lamb meatball) kebabs, kielbasa kebabs, korean BBQ kebabs (tenderized with kiwi and served with kimchee), and krustacean kebabs. Did I mention I'm unemployed? And obsessed with

We also konversed with Kuhrt's wonderful friend, Jason; kompared red wines for Dan and Abby's impending wedding; and konsumed the most delicious, most perfectly sweet-tart key lime pie handmade by Holly and Lo. It really kouldn't have been any nicer.

Kir Royale, Kurried Kumquat chutney with ham and biscuits, Kasseri cheese

Just another night in Kween Anne

Kugel, Kefta Kebabs

Krustacean kebabs

Key Lime Pie

Another photo of pie, just because it was that delicious

Designs by Lo


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