Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bonjour Buttercups

B Night should be easy -- there must to be a billion foods that begin with B -- but our meal was anything but simple. It was French.

Dan and Abby got things going early, so the house already smelled amazing by the time the ranks of the employed arrived with Bellinis, Beaujolais, and Beer.

This week, we were very excited to add Kuhrt -- who was fresh off a tug boat -- Lawrence, Holly, and Preston's parents' folding chairs to the Alphabet team. (We also now know what it really means to go berserk, why pirates wear eye patches, and why you should never borrow a handmade hula hoop from a naked hippie.)

Although we still don't have a brick oven, Ashleigh managed some pretty authentic Broccoli Blasted a la Black Bottle -- home to both Ashleigh and Preston's and Abby and Dan's first dates. (Can we say that Black Bottle Broccoli is to thank for two Betrothals? If not, we can at least say that Epicurious is to thank for a very B salad: Beets, Bibb lettuce and Bacon in a Balsamic, Beer and Brown sugar dressing.)

The official sources describe our B entree, Boeuf Bourguignon, as a stew based on the cattle (Charolais), grape (Pinot Noir), and earthy, full-flavored cooking of Burgundy, but Dan's description is much better: "First, we Boiled some Bacon. Then we Battered Beef in flour and Browned it in Butter in Batches. We added Brandy and scraped the Browned Bits off the Bottom of the pan. Then we Braised the Beef, Brandied Bits, Bacon, Bouquet garni, Bottle of Burgundy, and everything else for a Bit.

The most poetic descrption of the night, however, goes to the authors of The Joy of Cooking, who call creme brulee "a rich custard covered with a hard caramel glaze that shatters delightfully under the pressure of a purposeful spoon." We had nine purposeful spoons and it was delightful.

Bouquet Garni

A Bounty of Beverages and Bagel Bites

Baked Brie
, Baguette

Beets, Bibb and Bacon in Balsamic and Beer

Broccoli Blasted

Miikka awaiting the meat course

Beller and Zink serving up some Boeuf Bourgingnon

Bon appetit!


Lawrence and Holly's Bruleed Creme

A purposeful spoon

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